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 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur

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4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitimeMar 19 Fév - 14:41


Apres la "mangé" de l'autre soir, je vous propose de discuter d'une strat., car nous meritons de "coucher" ce boss... Une fois à 13% un autres fois à 54%... NOUS SOMMES SUR LA BONNE VOIE !

Bref voici ce que j'ai trouvé pour faire avancé.

Dernière édition par le Mar 19 Fév - 16:10, édité 1 fois
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4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: Encore une autre strat !!! Et je pense qu'elle est meilleure   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitimeMar 19 Fév - 16:06

Citation :

The Curator

Immune to arcane, bleed, poison and mana drain spells and effects.
Basic Melee: Around 3000 on a tank
Hateful Bolt: An arcane bolt that hits a non-tank character for 4435-5999 Arcane damage.
Summon Astral Flare:Summon one Astral Flare every 10 seconds (Flare Phase)
Evocation: Go completely inactive for 20 seconds while re-filling mana and increasing damage taken by 200% (Evocation Phase)
Enrage: At 15% health, increase melee attack speed and Hateful Bolt cast rate while ceasing new Evocations or Astral Flare summons
Berserk: After 10 minutes, give all raid members an non-removable debuff which increases arcane damage taken by 500%
[edit] Astral Flare
Health: 12000 HP
Melee: none
Arcing Sear: Rapid-fire chained attack which hits up to three targets within ten yards for 675-825 arcane damage each
Immune to taunts, stuns, roots, and snares

Killing the Curator is basically a gear check. It's not a coincidence that this boss drops the first class set tokens - they really want to be earned. There's not much strategy or room for fancy maneuvers - either the raid has the required DPS and the necessary mana endurance, or it does not.

The fight consists of four possible phases. Most of the fight consists of two alternating phases: a Flare Phase (which lasts 90 seconds) followed by an Evocation Phase (which lasts 20 seconds). Once the Curator's health drops below 15% it enters the Enrage phase, when it stops summoning Flares and Evocating, but melees and casts Hateful Bolts more rapidly. If it is still alive ten minutes after the pull, it enters the Berserk phase and wipes the raid in a few seconds.

Flare phase
During the Flare Phase, The Curator summons ten Astral Flares, hits the tank with moderate melee damage, and casts Hateful Bolts.

The Curator summons one Astral Flare every 10 seconds, at a cost of 10% of its mana. Each Flare spawns with about 1000 threat from a random, non-tank player character and advances in that character's direction while hitting nearby enemies with Arcing Sear.

[b]Each Flare must be destroyed within 10 seconds, before the next one spawns. Failure to do so will result in multiple Flares dealing damage at the same time - this situation will usually mean a wipe.[/b] It is not necessary to damage the Curator at all during this phase. Damaging the Curator is permissible, but only when no Flares are up (unless the raid has excess DPS: see Positioning below).

This cannot be over-emphasized: By far, the most important part of the fight is killing the Astral Flares as quickly as possible. Wipes on The Curator usually happen because the healers run out of mana. They run out of mana because the Flares live too long. The solution is almost always to kill the Flares faster. The faster each Flare dies, the easier the healers' job becomes.

While it is not necessary to tank the Flares, doing so gets them to hold still and makes them easier to kill. A hunter pet with attack power buffs and specced for arcane resistance and stamina is ideal for this task. Warriors, bear druids, paladins, and enhancement shamans can do the job, too.

The Curator casts a Hateful Bolt every 10 to 15 seconds on a non-tank player character. The current best theory is that the Hateful Bolt hits the non-tank character that has generated the most threat on The Curator since the last Evocation and currently has enough health to survive the damage from the Bolt.

It is possible to assign one character - preferably a warlock or a shadow priest - as Hateful Bolt soaker. This character attracts most of the Hateful Bolts by steadily damaging The Curator.
Equipping the soaker with arcane resistance gear negates a substantial amount of the damage from the Hateful Bolts. Note that using a soaker is reasonable only when the raid is still able to kill the Flares fast enough. It's typically done when using only two healers.

Evocation phase
Immediately after The Curator summons the tenth Astral Flare with the last of its mana, it enters a state of Evocation for 20 seconds while it refills its mana. While it does so, it goes completely inactive and all damage dealt against it is tripled.

Most raids must first concentrate on killing the tenth and last Flare before switching damage over to the Curator. Otherwise, there may be two Flares up after the Evocation, which is bad (see above). Killing the Flare quickly also grants the healers a few seconds break for mana regeneration. Overgeared raids can attack The Curator immediately to speed up the fight, and clean up the extra Flares after Evocation.

Cooldown and single-use abilities that temporarily increase damage output should be saved up for this moment and be activated at the beginning of the phase to quickly kill the last Astral Flare and to make the most out of the Curator's temporary vulnerability.

Once the Curator has finished refilling mana, the fight continues with the next Flare Phase (or the Enrage Phase, if its health is brought down below 15% during the Evocation).

Enrage phase
Once The Curator's health drops below 15%, it stops summoning Astral Flares, ceases Evocations, and increases melee damage output and Hateful Bolt frequency. This means that the healers have to give the main tank and Hateful Bolt victims more attention while everyone else just nukes The Curator. This phase is actually the easiest part of the fight.

As of Patch 2.3, The Curator breaks Evocation and enrages as soon as its health reaches 15%. Prior to patch 2.3, it finished its Evocation before it enraged.

Positioning is a secondary concern, but it can help raids with marginal gear. A concentrated setup increases damage on the Flares by eliminating the need for melee damage-dealers to chase down Flares. A distributed setup reduces damage from the Flares by reducing the chaining of Arcing Sear.

If melee damage dealers are needed on the Flares, everybody except the hunters sets up close together, with the hunters as close as possible, just at their minimum range. The main tank is on one side of The Curator, and everybody else is on top of each other on its back (within melee range). This makes it easy for the melee characters to damage the Flares and quickly switch to The Curator when no Flares are up. The drawback of this method is that the Flare damage is maximized. This is offset to some extent because multi-target heal spells like Chain Heal also have their maximum effect.

If the raid's ranged DPS is high enough to kill the Flares quickly (in less than eight seconds) without support from the melee characters, the melee group sets up close to The Curator and stays put. The ranged damage dealers and healers spread out and each stays at least ten yards away from everybody else. This significantly reduces Flare damage, because Arcing Sear doesn't jump farther than ten yards. Also, the melee group is on the Curator all the time, which shortens the fight.

If melee characters have to help killing Flares, the distributed setup does not work well. Even a single melee damage dealer chasing Flares breaks the ten yard pattern, and thus the Flare damage is maximized anyways. Worse, that melee character loses a lot of damage output while running around. Because of this, a concentrated setup is best for most raids new to this encounter.

Dernière édition par le Mar 19 Fév - 16:11, édité 1 fois
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4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitimeMar 19 Fév - 16:10

J'ai mis en gras ce qui me parait ESSENTIEL... Redites-moi ce que vous en pensez.

Mais il vas falloir mieux se synchoniser pour l'aggro (a cause de la bolt (vers heal ou demo)) et aussi gere d'avantage la mana (popo, etc...)

Derniere detail qui nous a tuer (je pense), il faut accelere le kill des embrasements.... Il ne devrait JAMAIS en avoir plus d'une ;-)

Concernant le positionnement la forme "concentrée" et orienté vers le boss me parait la meilleure des tactique....
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Nombre de messages : 73
Age : 32
Localisation : Evreux
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2008

4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitimeMer 20 Fév - 1:03

Moi ce sOir Objectif 70 !!!

dc Kara dc instance dc j'adOre mdr!!

Bref tOut sa pOur dire que j'arrive en spé heal et que jspr vOus convencre Smile

(ps: dsl fautesss d'orthographesss mdr
(beuxcoup de "s" car il y en a beaucoups de fautes lol))
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Nombre de messages : 92
Age : 34
Localisation : En outreterre ou bien dans le trou du monde (le sud-ouest)
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2007

4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitimeMer 20 Fév - 12:14

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Nombre de messages : 44
Age : 65
Date d'inscription : 24/10/2007

4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitimeMer 20 Fév - 15:34

Bon, voila ce que j'en pense :

1°. Un seul tank sur le boss
2°. Des cac sur les boules de dégats d'arcane
3°. De la gestion sur la nature des popos : vie (tank et cac), vie + mana (les casters), de la popo résistance aux arcanes au préalable sur les joueurs sauf tank (lui puissante restauration, ou def, ...etc)
4°. De la gestion sur le moment de la popo : le conservateur doit être down rapidement, sinon rage berseker et wipe général assuré. Donc, popo résistance aux arcanes au départ pour les non tank, et 2 bons cac dps en voltigeurs.
5°. Les non-tank à portée maximale de heal et de dps afin de rallonger le temps maximal de dps car éloignés de fait du boss.
6°. L'addon qui va bien pour anticiper le moment (20 secondes) de dps maxi car le boss se régène en mana (évocation)
7°. Une organisation en amont afin de prévoir la bouffe buffée et les popos.
8°. Une préparation statégique de l'instance (Qui lead ? Formation idéale ? Joueurs à prévenir...) Un début d'instance programmé et respécté.
9°. Des joueurs qui font l'effort de se renseigner eux-mêmes sur le ou les boss qui devront être down. (Forums, ...etc)

Indépendament de tout cela, j'estime que le but de la guilde n'est pas de faire QUE du kara, comme de ne PAS en faire. Un équilibre sera trouvé par vos chefs, les sages, aidés dans cette tâche par les joueurs concernés (Tol, Wood, léra, ...etc)

N'oublions pas que de rechercher l'excellence, la réussite et la longévité, passe obligatoirement par une base solide, nombreuse et expérimentée.

Donc des instances normales à organiser de manière plus rigoureuses pour parvenir rapidement à de nombreux objectifs : montée en régime de joueurs fraichement 70, amélioration de game-play, connaissance des autres coéquipiers, formation éventuelle au rôle de leader, apprentissage de la discipline, gage de concentration et donc de résultats positifs.

Une décision entre les sages va être bientôt prise.

Elle vous sera communiquée sur le forum ainsi que par courrier, voir en chat champ guilde direct.

PS : Le TeamSpeak va bientôt être uppé en nombre de place.

Allez en paix et playforfun !!!

HYDRAX le papy.
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4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur   4e Boss Karazhan: Le Conservateur Icon_minitime

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